Tuesday, February 19, 2019
Poetic Literature: the 10 Plagues
divinity fudge in this time period and right away is a very powerful being. He has the knowledge of what is good and what is evil. Pharaoh in the countersign of hejira tests Gods patience and power by continuing to deceive him as well as Moses, and Aaron. In this paper I plan to compare and contrast the ten blighters in the bible, Exodus 714-1236 with sings 7844-51 and one hundred five28-36 as well as explain how the authors of each psalm view the story of the plagues. In Exodus, it speaks active how the Pharaoh is unyielding to letting the Egyptian slaves go free so that they depose worship to God.God initi all(prenominal)y had send Moses, who was made like God to the Pharaoh, and Aaron, Moses prophet, to warn Pharaoh to let Gods people go. Each and any time this request was asked of Pharaoh, he would lie about freeing his slaves, then, mollify his heart and change his mind. This made God very angry and this is how the plagues began. The original plague started with the River Nile being turned into blood. This was Gods initial theme of getting Pharaoh to do what he wants and by removing the source of water would sure enough get his attention.However, that was non the case and the Pharaohs heart hardened. This pattern in the midst of God, Moses, Aaron, and the Pharaoh continued throughout ix more plagues after the number one. The plagues that occurred after the Nile River routine into blood were frogs, gnats, flies, livestock/pestilence, boils, hail, locusts, darkness, and finally the death of the first born of every living being and animal in Egypt. The final plague is what we now know as Passover. I noticed in the first Psalm account of the ten plagues (Ps. 7844-51), only seven of the ten plagues were mentioned.It started with twist the river into blood, followed by a swarm of flies, frogs, then locusts, hail, the cleanup of livestock, and finally the killing of the firstborn of every hu reality and animal of Egypt. This psalm only has ei ghtsome stanzas and if you notice the plagues are not in the same arrange as the ones in the book of Exodus. Instead of using the book of accounts gnats (used in Exodus) that word is replaced with caterpillars. The plagues of boils and darkness were not used in this Psalm also. Psalms 7844-51 is of a Yahwistic narrative. God seems like a parental figure so to speak.It seems like it is just penalization because of the Pharaohs ignorance and his followers obliviousness. identical parents with children if one child messes up, the other siblings tend to feel part of the punishment as well and this is what I feel happened to the people of Egypt. The Yahwist tradition essentially explains the human relationship between God and man and to present sin and how man should be like God. Also, there is a level of communication that shows the relationship between human beings and God a level of closeness and relationship growth.In the second account of the plagues in Psalm 10528-36, this a like is not in the same order as the ones in Exodus. It starts forward with God sending darkness over the land then number the river into blood, followed by a swarm of frogs, flies, gnats, hail, livestock, locusts, and again ending with the killing of the first born of every human and animal in Egypt. This Psalm has nine stanzas and this time boils was the only plague not used. To compare to the plagues in Exodus there is one way communication to show that God is all powerful and we are to never signify that we are greater than him.For example, In Ex. 76, God directs Moses and Aaron to take a message to the Pharaoh and they did just as the Lord asked. Psalms 10528-36 is written in a sacerdotal fashion. The priestly narrative speaks on how angry God was and says that he did not spare anyones lives and left them all in the hands of the plague and the company of the destroying angels. It makes it seem like God in this psalm is cockeyed with no remorse for anyone monster like. To conclude, I feel that historical trueness is equally important to ancient writers as well as the readers who demand to read their script.In the case of the plagues and the two psalm accounts relating to them, I envisage the reason why Ex. 714-1236 and the two Ps. 7844-51 and 10528-36, are not in agreement in terms of order and number is because they were written by two authors with different views. I think that creating different versions of the same story is not a major line for the biblical editors because it is nice to read a story and have the luck to see it in two different perspectives so that you can recall your own conclusion.
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