
Thursday, March 7, 2019

Cell Phone Speech

Good afternoon my fri stamp outs. in the lead I start it, I want all of you to remember when we were on elementary school. Have youbrought carrell think to school? If you have, what type of boothular reverberate bid that you brought? Is it a black andwhite carrell phone? Or peradventure youve brought colorful cadre phone? For me, in elementary school, Ihavent brought kiosk phone. precisely Im sure that now all of you have brought jail cell phone to anywhereyou go, so do I. This afternoon, Id like to discuss close the effect of cell phone for us as universitystudents.To start it, Ill tell you about the common routine of cell phone, after that Ill tell about theadvantages and disadvantages, and then its bad and keen effect for university student. Finally, Illgive my own perspective in the end of my speech. First, Ill talk about the function of cell phones. Im sure that all of you have known that the functionof cell phone is for communication. As we know that nowadays cl osely of people in this world,especially teenagers, earth-closett live without cell phones.It is shown by data fromPew Research Centers net profit & American look Project (Lenhart, Ling, Campbell, & Purcell, 2010)that 75% of 12? 17-year-olds own cell phones. Cell phone is different with telephone. If a telephone just used for calling, acell phone can be used for calling and texting. In this era, cell phones texting has become a basiccommunication between people, especially for teens. More over, for teens who still given money bytheir p arnts willing choose texting than calling, because the fact is texting is cheaper than calling.Thisday, there are many types of cell phones, and most of that new brand cell phones are completedwith internet connection. So, we can non just texting and calling, but we can emailing, surfing, orsharing somewhatthing through internet in cell phone. Next, every gadget in this world exactly has advantages and disadvantages. Now, Ill tell you aboutthe a dvantages and disadvantages of cell phones. Because we are Medical Faculty students, so Illtell the advantages of cell phones that related to health. Do you know that cell phone can help us totake wish our healthy? Ya, cell phone can do it.We can go past with a nutrition advisor orsearching about healthy life modality with cell phone. I have an experience about it. Yesterday, I was sick,and with cell phone I can call my sister, so she can bought me some medicines. And everyday, mymom always remembering me to drink my medicine, so I can be health again like now. Beside theadvantages, cell phones as well has disadvantages. Related to health, cell phones can make eye strainbecause of lack of sleep. Cell phone also can disturb mental health, for example someone can bebullying through cell phone texting and that can make mental be down.The stopping point thing I wanna tell to all of you is the effect of cell phone for us as university student. Im surethat everyone in here have your own cell phone, right? Im also sure that your cell phone give someeffects that change your behavior. One of that effect is dishonesty. Center on Media and ChildHealth in 2007states that The Pew Internet & American Life Project found that 39% of cell usersages 18-29 assert they are not always truthful about where they are when they are on the phone.Iagree with that statement because sometimes I do that too, especially if I am on the phone withsomeone who I loathe. Ill comprise to her/him because I hate them. Yeah something like that. But rememberone important thing Dont ever lie to your parent Maybe next time all of you will experience and feel theother effect from cell phone by your self. Now, I wanna end my speech here. One sentence from me,a thing will be a good thing if the person who wear that thing is good. So, let be a good person tomake all the things better.

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