
Friday, February 15, 2019

Mary Wollstonecrafts A Vindication of the Rights of Women and Harriet

bloody shame Wollst adeptcrafts A Vindication of the Rights of Women and Harriet Jacobs Incidents in the Life of a Slave GirlAlthough Mary Wollstonecraft and Harriet Jacobs lived almost 300 years apart from one another, the basic undertone of both of their work is the same. Wollstonecraft was a feministbefore her time and Jacobs was a freed slave who wanted more than just her own freedom. Wollstonecrafts A Vindication of the Rights of Woman and Jacobs Incidents In the Life of a Slave Girl, written By Herself were both revolutionary texts that were meant to inspire changeand the liberation of a group of people. For Wollstonecraft, this was women for Jacobs, it wasthe slaves. On the surface, these two works do not count to be much related, but it is in this themeof liberation that they atomic number 18 deeply connected. Even though these very different women were writing in two very different worlds, they both still manage to hold back across the idea that it is in the tyranny of slavery, ment onlyy or physically, that ones true self is lost. The oppression of a persons free impart through the tyranny of slavery or absence of womens rights atomic number 18 approximately the same thing they both suppress a persons natural identity operator and the only way to liberation is through theeducation and humanization of those universe oppressed. The first key idea in both Wollstonecrafts and Jacobs texts is that women and slaves are only defined by those who own them, they cannot define themselves. Both women bring through of thedehumanization that slaves and women experience. Wollstonecraft says that women in her timeare simply objects of desire, instructed to play the womanly role, ...enfeebled by false refineme... ...ps a person of all dignity and humanity, all free-will gone. In both cases it is unrealistic to deny the implications for a loss of identity. If a person is stripped of choice, denied an education, and trained to live within the false restrictions of society, is impossible for them to have an identity. Works CitedJacobs, Harriet. Incidents In the Life of A Slave Girl, create verbally By Herself. The Pearson Custom Library of American books. Ed. John Bryant et al. Compiled for English 370B, organise 2005. Boston Pearson Custom Publishing, 2003. Pages 418-77.Wollstonecraft, Mary. A Vindication on the Rights of Woman. The Longman Anthology of British Literature Volume 2A- The Romantics and Their Contemporaries. Ed. Susan Wolfson and Peter Manning. New York Longman, 2003. Pages 230-257.

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